
Revision Log Mode:


Copied or renamed
Diff Rev Chgset Date Author Log Message
(edit) @386 [386] 15 years trnewman Improving swig installation.
(edit) @385 [385] 15 years sriram Cleaning up the code a little..need to test this more for bugs.
(edit) @384 [384] 15 years sriram Adding the get_freq function which gets the new frequency from the …
(edit) @383 [383] 15 years sriram Removing syntax error
(edit) @382 [382] 15 years sriram Changing logic for "i wrongly thought that we had syncd up..we havnt …
(edit) @381 [381] 15 years sriram Correcting bug
(edit) @380 [380] 15 years sriram Adding code for communicating the nodes
(edit) @379 [379] 15 years sriram Correcting some syntax errors
(edit) @378 [378] 15 years sriram Same code for both the nodes
(edit) @377 [377] 15 years trnewman Fixed some wierd include bugs
(edit) @376 [376] 15 years trnewman fixed naming change
(edit) @375 [375] 15 years trnewman Added DSA CE files, and moved XML configurations to the shell directory.
(edit) @374 [374] 15 years sriram Adding all the four channels
(edit) @373 [373] 15 years sriram Changing the threshold
(edit) @372 [372] 15 years sriram Fixing bug and changing the threshold
(edit) @369 [369] 15 years sriram Working dsa code for node2
(edit) @368 [368] 15 years sriram Back to the good old receive path
(edit) @367 [367] 15 years sriram Working dsa code for node 1
(edit) @365 [365] 15 years sriram This does not work..keeping a backup
(edit) @364 [364] 15 years sriram This does not work...keeping a backup
(edit) @363 [363] 15 years sriram Adding a print statement
(edit) @362 [362] 15 years sriram correcting syntax errors
(edit) @361 [361] 15 years sriram Correcting errors
(edit) @359 [359] 15 years sriram More changes for getting the sync and data going one after the other
(edit) @358 [358] 15 years sriram Adding more changes to incorporate communication signal and spectrum sense
(edit) @357 [357] 15 years sriram some changes to receive path
(edit) @356 [356] 15 years sriram Adding code for the communication channel..very much base line...need to …
(edit) @355 [355] 15 years trnewman Incremented version number
(edit) @354 [354] 15 years sriram Printing individual power values...checking stats
(edit) @351 [351] 15 years sriram Increasing the fft size to 512 to get better estimate
(edit) @350 [350] 15 years sriram Removing syntax error
(edit) @349 [349] 15 years sriram Simply prints power in the mentioned band
(edit) @348 [348] 15 years trnewman Adding new DSA CE directory
(edit) @347 [347] 15 years trnewman Created specific subdirectories for each cognitive engine.
(edit) @346 [346] 15 years trnewman Forgot to include a header
(edit) @345 [345] 15 years trnewman Forgot to include a file
(edit) @344 [344] 15 years trnewman Tagging version
(edit) @343 [343] 15 years trnewman Removing tag
(edit) @342 [342] 15 years trnewman Fixing swig make
(edit) @341 [341] 15 years trnewman creating tag
(edit) @340 [340] 15 years sriram Added the spec sense..Its is dirty Tim
(edit) @339 [339] 15 years sriram Changes
(edit) @330 [330] 15 years sriram Hardcoding some more receive path options
(edit) @329 [329] 15 years sriram Adding changed for spectrum sense
(edit) @327 [327] 15 years sriram Have added the spectrum sense part to code
(edit) @325 [325] 15 years sriram Hardcoding the channel to 1
(edit) @324 [324] 15 years trnewman Bugs and removing debug stuff.
(edit) @323 [323] 15 years trnewman Added proper macros and cleaned up lib linking issues.
(edit) @322 [322] 15 years sriram Forgot one.
(edit) @321 [321] 15 years sriram Adding supplemental files that are needed
(edit) @320 [320] 15 years sriram Adding node 2
(edit) @319 [319] 15 years sriram Adding files for DSA gnuradio app
(edit) @317 [317] 15 years trnewman Fixed makefile to install socket communications library.
(edit) @316 [316] 15 years wrodgers Updated SML and Shell for new I/O model, minor bug fixes
(edit) @313 [313] 15 years wrodgers Minor changes to finalize LT/GT in IF statements
(edit) @310 [310] 15 years wrodgers Removed INSTALL and COPYING since they are both autogenerated by autoconf
(edit) @309 [309] 15 years wrodgers Updated Install/Copying? to automake 1.10
(edit) @308 [308] 15 years wrodgers slight modification to SML
(edit) @302 [302] 15 years trnewman Python demo updates
(edit) @301 [301] 15 years trnewman Demo fixups
(edit) @300 [300] 15 years trnewman Added python and swig checks
(edit) @299 [299] 15 years trnewman Added python swig interface
(edit) @296 [296] 15 years wrodgers Minor modifications to support new XML features
(edit) @295 [295] 15 years wrodgers Fixed minor errors/compressed XML read operation
(edit) @294 [294] 15 years wrodgers Added nested conditionals, service paramaters, more dynamic conditional …
(edit) @293 [293] 15 years wrodgers Added non-observ/param inputs for missions
(edit) @292 [292] 15 years wrodgers Added non-observ/param inputs for missions
(edit) @291 [291] 15 years wrodgers Added non-observ/param inputs for missions
(edit) @290 [290] 15 years wrodgers Works for 3 levels of nested if's. Nested while support still to come. …
(edit) @289 [289] 15 years wrodgers SML can now handle non-nested if statements in the format described by the …
(edit) @288 [288] 15 years wrodgers Added support for using individual observable and paramater names as …
(edit) @287 [287] 15 years wrodgers Begun work on nested conditionals, direct communication. This should work …
(edit) @285 [285] 15 years wrodgers updating SML demo
(edit) @284 [284] 15 years trnewman fixed library
(edit) @283 [283] 15 years trnewman sml demo
(edit) @282 [282] 15 years wrodgers Latest update of SML
(edit) @281 [281] 15 years trnewman Adding set active mission functionality in the shell
(edit) @280 [280] 15 years trnewman added set active mission functionality to library
(edit) @279 [279] 15 years wrodgers Updated shell to conform with API
(edit) @278 [278] 15 years wrodgers Updated functionality of methods to include ReceiveServices?, other minor …
(edit) @277 [277] 15 years wrodgers Updating SML functionality
(edit) @275 [275] 15 years wrodgers Updated data management, added function descriptions, fixed a few errors
(edit) @268 [268] 15 years wrodgers Minor changes to support SML.
(edit) @267 [267] 15 years wrodgers Added full service and mission support. Still needs debugging to work …
(edit) @255 [255] 15 years wrodgers Implemented service DB, transfer methods
(edit) @250 [250] 15 years wrodgers Fixed SML compile errors
(edit) @249 [249] 15 years wrodgers test2
(edit) @248 [248] 15 years wrodgers s
(edit) @247 [247] 15 years anonymous Started work on SML-side CE socket
(edit) @245 [245] 15 years bhilburn Merge branch 'cactus-sectorizedPE' into local-sectorizedPE
(edit) @244 [244] 15 years trnewman isada
(edit) @243 [243] 15 years bhilburn Realized that there isn't a memory leak. Just really, really confusing …
(edit) @242 [242] 15 years bhilburn Create branch sectorizedPE
(edit) @241 [241] 15 years bhilburn Pass #2 at cbr.h. Lots of TODOs, and some questions about the …
(edit) @240 [240] 15 years bhilburn First pass at making cbr.h readable.
(edit) @239 [239] 15 years bhilburn Typo and missing header commit merged over to trunk.
(edit) @238 [238] 15 years bhilburn Initial copy of function declerations from cbr.c to cbr.h
(edit) @237 [237] 15 years bhilburn Simple typos and missing headers.
(edit) @236 [236] 15 years bhilburn Create branch fixingCBR
(edit) @235 [235] 15 years bhilburn Managed to unintenionally recreate this branch. Deleting again. My bad =(
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