Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of TracCgi

04/20/09 13:21:05 (15 years ago)



  • TracCgi

    v1 v2  
    33To install Trac as a CGI script, you need to make the `trac.cgi` executable as a CGI by your web server. 
    5   ''Please note that using Trac via CGI is significantly slower than any other deployment method, such as [TracModPython mod_python] or [TracFastCgi FastCGI].'' 
     6#!div class=important 
     7  ''Please note that using Trac via CGI is significantly slower than any other deployment method, such as [TracModPython mod_python] or [TracFastCgi FastCGI] or even [trac:TracOnWindowsIisAjp IIS/AJP] on Windows.'' 
    710If you're using [ Apache HTTPD], there are a couple ways to do that: 
    912 1. Use a `ScriptAlias` to map a URL to the `trac.cgi` script 
    10  2. Copy the `trac.cgi` file into the directory for CGI executables used by your web server (commonly named `cgi-bin`). You can also create a symbolic link, but in that case make sure that the `FollowSymLinks` option is enabled for the `cgi-bin` directory. 
     13 2. Copy the `trac.cgi` file into the directory for CGI executables used by your web server (commonly named `cgi-bin`). A word of warning, copying the file directly from the repository onto a windows server 2003 machine created difficulties. Rather create a new text file and cut and copy the text into the newly created file. You can also create a symbolic link, but in that case make sure that the `FollowSymLinks` option is enabled for the `cgi-bin` directory. 
    1215The first option is recommended as it also allows you to map the CGI to a friendly URL. 
    35  ''Note that the `SetEnv` directive requires the `mod_env` module to be installed and enable.'' 
     38 ''Note that the `SetEnv` directive requires the `mod_env` module to be installed and enable. If not, you could set TRAC_ENV in trac.cgi. Just add the following code between "try:" and "from trac.web ...":'' 
     41    import os 
     42    os.environ['TRAC_ENV'] = "/path/to/projectenv" 
     45 '' Or for TRAC_ENV_PARENT_DIR: '' 
     48    import os 
     49    os.environ['TRAC_ENV_PARENT_DIR'] = "/path/to/project/parent/dir" 
    3752This will make Trac available at ``. 
    6075For example, if Trac is mapped to `/cgi-bin/trac.cgi` on your server, the URL of the Alias should be `/cgi-bin/trac.cgi/chrome/common`. 
     77Similarly, if you have static resources in a projects htdocs directory, you can configure apache to serve those resources (again, put this '''before''' the `ScriptAlias` for the CGI script, and adjust names and locations to match your installation): 
     80Alias /trac/chrome/site /path/to/projectenv/htdocs 
     81<Directory "/path/to/projectenv/htdocs"> 
     82  Order allow,deny 
     83  Allow from all 
    6287Alternatively, you can set the `htdocs_location` configuration option in [wiki:TracIni trac.ini]: 
    7095$ ln -s /usr/share/trac/htdocs /var/www/ 
     98Note that in order to get this `htdocs` directory, you need first to extract the relevant Trac resources using the `deploy` command of TracAdmin: 
    73102== Adding Authentication == 
    115 For better security, it is recommended that you either enable SSL or at least use the “Digest” authentication scheme instead of “Basic”. Please read the [ Apache HTTPD documentation] to find out more. 
     144For better security, it is recommended that you either enable SSL or at least use the “digest” authentication scheme instead of “Basic”. Please read the [ Apache HTTPD documentation] to find out more. For example, on a Debian 4.0r1 (etch) system the relevant section  in apache configuration can look like this: 
     146<Location "/trac/login"> 
     147    LoadModule auth_digest_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/ 
     148    AuthType Digest 
     149    AuthName "trac" 
     150    AuthDigestDomain /trac 
     151    AuthUserFile /somewhere/trac.htpasswd 
     152    Require valid-user 
     155and you'll have to create your .htpasswd file with htdigest instead of htpasswd as follows: 
     157# htdigest /somewhere/trac.htpasswd trac admin 
     159where the "trac" parameter above is the same as !AuthName above  ("Realm" in apache-docs).  
    118 See also:  TracGuide, TracInstall, TracFastCgi, TracModPython 
     162See also:  TracGuide, TracInstall, wiki:TracModWSGI, TracFastCgi, TracModPython