
and .


19:35 Changeset [88] by ahe
receive experience from cr, have bugs
19:34 Changeset [87] by ahe
send experience to ce


14:31 Changeset [86] by trnewman
fixed some error handling issues
11:25 Changeset [85] by trnewman
Filled out UpdateCEExp a bit


20:35 Changeset [84] by ahe
remove temporary files
20:33 Changeset [83] by ahe
client sends results to server
20:32 Changeset [82] by ahe
server get results from client
17:31 Changeset [81] by ahe
server receive results
16:26 Changeset [80] by ahe
receive results from client
16:25 Changeset [79] by ahe
client send results to server
12:12 Changeset [78] by trnewman
11:56 Changeset [77] by ahe
cbr in c working with socket


21:11 Changeset [76] by ahe
try to incorporate cbr but failed in compiling
15:36 Changeset [75] by ahe
remove test printout
15:25 Changeset [74] by ahe
break clinet code into small function calls


22:53 Changeset [73] by ahe
minor modification of socket
22:48 Changeset [72] by trnewman
Added some API function shells
21:14 Changeset [71] by ahe
send xml from server to client through socket
09:47 Changeset [70] by trnewman
Fixed send and recv problems whrn trying to send multiple consecutive …


13:34 Changeset [69] by ahe
minor modification on socket operation
10:48 Changeset [68] by ahe
update client


22:03 Changeset [67] by ahe
add client socket
22:00 Changeset [66] by ahe
update socket
17:09 Changeset [65] by trnewman
new code
15:25 Changeset [64] by trnewman
Added better socket functionality.
15:17 Changeset [63] by trnewman
Added better socket functionality.
14:35 Changeset [62] by trnewman
14:33 Changeset [61] by trnewman
This isnt needed


12:05 Changeset [60] by trnewman
12:04 Changeset [59] by trnewman
12:03 Changeset [58] by trnewman
12:02 Changeset [57] by trnewman
12:01 Changeset [56] by trnewman
12:01 Changeset [55] by trnewman
12:01 Changeset [54] by trnewman
12:00 Changeset [53] by trnewman
11:59 Changeset [52] by trnewman
11:59 Changeset [51] by trnewman
11:58 Changeset [50] by trnewman
11:56 Changeset [49] by trnewman
11:55 Changeset [48] by trnewman
removing old stuff
11:55 Changeset [47] by trnewman
removing old stuff
11:54 Changeset [46] by trnewman
removing old stuff
11:54 Changeset [45] by trnewman
11:53 Changeset [44] by trnewman
11:53 Changeset [43] by trnewman
11:50 Changeset [42] by trnewman
copying into new dir
11:46 Changeset [41] by trnewman
creating dir structure
11:46 Changeset [40] by trnewman
creating dir structure
11:45 Changeset [39] by trnewman
creating dir structure


22:23 Changeset [38] by ahe
add files for client operation
22:16 Changeset [37] by ahe
change makefile to incorporate client
16:02 Changeset [36] by ahe
integrate ezxml
15:58 Changeset [35] by trnewman
adding c++
15:55 Changeset [34] by trnewman
adding cactus dir
14:57 Changeset [33] by ahe
cactus: adding cognitive engine base functions


22:26 Changeset [32] by ahe
modified xml file
22:08 Changeset [31] by ahe
parse example.ce.xml and pass xml file name as parameter to main


16:39 Changeset [30] by jgaeddert
xml: minor changes to comments, etc.
10:32 Changeset [29] by jgaeddert
adding ezxml target


15:40 Changeset [28] by ahe
incorporate ezxml with cbr


11:28 Changeset [27] by jgaeddert
improving Makefile
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.